Planned Giving Program

On behalf of the Parish Community, I would like to thank you so much
for your ongoing support, which has been very vital to keep our Parish
going strong. Current projects being including the Hall Kitchen renovation, Parish Meeting Room painting.

As there are no mass to give envelope collections, all members of our
parish are invited to join a Direct Debit program.

Please add a reference of “Donation” Banking details are below:
BSB: 067 950;
Account Number 000552;
Account Name: Seven Hills Catholic Church.

IN-PERSON BANK DEPOSIT (at a Bank Institute/Branch)
Seven Hills Catholic Church
BSB: 062 315
Acc Id # – 00901486
AGENT # – 660
Your generosity is greatly appreciated.


By taking a set of Planned Giving envelopes to use for your second collection offerings, you are helping the parish budget for all the costs involved in keeping this a healthy and active parish. The First collection is forwarded to the Parramatta Diocese, The Second collection donations help pay for such costs as pastoral expenses, insurance, electricity, maintenance, staff salaries, loan repayments, renovations and clergy transport. This program is vital to further our parish development. If you would like a set of envelopes, please fill in the card available at the church doors and return it to the Parish Office. Alternatively you may wish to pay via Direct Debit or Credit Card, please contact the Parish Office if this is the case and the appropriate forms will be organised.

“ The measure you give, is the measure you will receive and more”.


It has been a custom in our church-tradition to have a Mass offered for some intentions. When you have such a need, please collect a Mass Intention envelope available at all the church entrances, write down your intention and return it to the parish office, to the priest or place it on the collection plate at the weekend Masses. It is customary to make a donation with the envelope.


November is the month of the year when we make a special effort to pray for our deceased family members and friends. We should also pray for those who have died and have nobody to pray for them. This is all part of belonging to the Communion of Saints. We are one family and we have a responsibility to each other. If you would like to have those who have gone before us remembered in all Masses in November, could you please write their names on an envelope and place it on either the collection plates or give it to Fr Henry. All names will be placed on the altar for the duration of November. Envelopes are available at all the doors to the Church.

Catholic Foundation… February, May, November

Catholic Foundation Faith at Work: These appeals give us the opportunity to act together as a diocesan family to support much needed ministries and outreach services that no single individual or parish can offer to people across Western Sydney, such as CatholicCare which works with disadvantaged and marginalised people in our community, Catherine Villa houses and cares for young pregnant women and Blacktown Neighbour Aid, which supports the aged and lonely who are not mobile. Our Quota for each year is different it always depends on our income the previous year. Your assistance in helping us to reach this Quota is very much appreciated, as any shortfall is made up from other Parish funds. Please remember that your Catholic Foundation contributions of $2 or more are tax deductible.


Due to the invaluable nature of a each Sacrament, there is no set fee. . However, it has been a custom for people to offer a donation on each occasion. These donations are not retained by the priest or parish but goes into a Pastoral Revenue Fund which is used to support priests throughout the Diocese.