Preparation: Please ring our parish office to make a booking for your child’s baptismal preparation. Parents are required to attend a preparation session prior to their child’s baptism.
Presentation Ceremony: Your child will be presented to the Parish Community in one of our Sunday Masses, preferably the 9.30am Mass prior to the celebration of Baptism.
Baptismal donation: Due to the invaluable nature of a Sacrament, there is no set fee for Baptism. However, it has been a custom for people to offer a donation on the occasion of the baptism of their infant. This donation is not retained by the priest but goes into a Pastoral Revenue Fund which is used to support priests throughout the Diocese.
All enquiries contact Artelle Lenthall
of Call the Parish Office on 9622 2920
First Reconciliation & First Holy Communion
Our Parish-based Sacramental Program takes place every year preparing children in years 3 and over, for the Sacraments of Penance and First Holy Communion commencing in February and finishing in September. An information evening will take place on the 9th November 2022, for those wishing to enroll in the following year’s program. Parents are the primary people responsible for the faith formation of children, and have an integral role in the process of children preparing to celebrate the sacraments. Further information can be gained from our parish website:
or by contacting the parish office. 96222920
Artelle Lenthall
Sacramental Coordinator- Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Seven Hills
Confirmation is starting with an enrollment Mass –
Please contact Artelle or the Parish Office for more details
Artelle Lenthall
Sacramental Coordinator- Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Seven Hills
People living in the parish who plan to have their wedding at Our Lady of Lourdes, are advised to contact the parish office at least six months before the intended date. Those who live outside our parish boundaries are welcome to have their wedding in our church on condition that they are able to provide a celebrant approved by the Diocese. A stipend is required. This is not retained by the Parish but forwarded to Pastoral Revenue Fund.
All couples are required to complete a pre-marriage course prior to the wedding.
Our Parish regularly provides formation for adults wishing to become full members of the Catholic church through the RCIA process (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). This process caters for:
- Adults who are baptised into either the Catholic tradition or another Christian Church who wish to receive the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist.
- Adults who are not baptised who wish to become full members of the Catholic Church through the celebration of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. This process runs each year and generally concludes with the celebration of the sacraments at the Easter Vigil each year.
For more information, please contact Fr Henry, Artelle Lenthall in the parish office. Phone 9622 2920 or email